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A Dog is a Man's Best Friend

Satellite Man




The Limerick is a popular 5-line form of light verse. Often ridiculous, it is the poetic equivalent of a cartoon. Limericks are generally about people, usually taking the Mickey! Sometimes absurd, the first line tends to place the subject by place or profession. The rhyme scheme is always aabba. Generally the syllable structure is: 8,8,6,6,8, but an extra syllable may be slipped in here and there.


A Dog is a Man's Best Friend

by Mr G

There once was a doctor from Fife

Whose dog had more brains than his wife,

She had canine tricks

Such as running for sticks,

While the dog read the new Country Life!



Satellite Man

by Mr G

A cosmetic surgeon, Ms. Nish,

Had a husband as thick as a fish,

He became such a pain

That she cut out his brain

And put in a satellite dish